Latham Centers’ 2nd Annual 

Donkey Dash 5K

Mark Your Calendars!


Sunday, May 18th, 2025 - Hog Island Brewery, Orleans, MA


The Donkey Dash is Back!

Latham Centers’ therapeutic donkey program (also known as Asinotherapy) is a unique part of our vocational and therapeutic programming. Our students and individuals regularly care for and interact with our six therapy donkeys under the guidance and supervision of Latham’s Donkey Trainer, Kris Thompson.

Many of you will remember our unique and fabulous Donkey Wedding held in May 2019, when two of our beloved therapy donkeys, ESTHER AND ESAU, tied the knot. Others may have attended our inaugural DONKEY DASH last year at Hog Island Brewery, where we hosted over 200 folks who ran, walked, and strolled down West St, Orleans.

We continue this new Latham tradition by bringing you the Second Annual Donkey Dash. This FAMILY-FRIENDLY event is a 5K road race for all ages, with a celebration, great food, and a raffle following the race. Our guests of honor, Esther and Esau will be there too - for petting and photo opportunities!

The Donkey Dash is an exciting format to raise awareness about the vital, life-changing ways that Latham Centers supports children and adults with complex disabilities, including Prader-Willi syndrome. Click here to learn more about how funds raised through the Donkey Dash will support Latham Centers.

We know this is going to be a fun-filled event for the entire community. Here’s how YOU can GET INVOLVED:

REGISTER TO RACE - Early Bird Registration goes until March 31!

VOLUNTEER ON EVENT DAY - We need folks to manage water stations, act as course guides, sell raffle tickets, and assist in other ways at the event. This is an excellent way for local students to earn community service hours!

SHARE YOUR TALENTS - If you are a photographer, runner, team captain from a Cape high school, media specialist, or have other relevant skills to share, we welcome your help!

BE AN EVENT SPONSOR- More details on event sponsorship will be coming soon, or you can contact Jackie O’Connor, Director of Advancement, at for more information.

DONATE - If you can’t make it to the event, please consider donating to Latham Centers here. Gifts of any size are meaningful and appreciated!

We can’t wait to see returning faces at this year’s Latham DONKEY DASH 5K - a fun and memorable event for the entire family for many years to come! Don’t forget to FOLLOW US on Instagram and Facebook for updates on all the fun events happening this year at Latham!

Latham School:

Reaching for the Future

At Latham School, children from 8 years to young adults of 22 years are under the care of a special needs teacher and aide. In small home room classes of eight or fewer students. …Read more.

Latham Centers:

Safe Passage to Adulthood

While some Latham children return home to family or enroll in programs closer to home, others may transition to our Adult Programs or remain on Cape Cod to live independently …Read more.

Ways to Give

You can Make a Difference

A gift to Latham Centers will make a difference in the life of each and every individual we serve. To make it as easy as possible for you to donate, we offer a variety of gift vehicles …Read more.